Fresh Air – Brigham Young, 1868

We should breathe the pure mountain air in our bed-rooms. We should have lofty rooms, high above the ground, for though this earth is pure, compared with miasmatic places, the air that is above the ground is preferable to that close to it. We should have plenty of pure, fresh air. If children are kept in close bed-rooms, they become puny and weakly.

Let them sleep where they can have abundance of pure air, in well ventilated rooms, or out of doors, in the summer time, in a safe place; it will be most beneficial for their health.

[“Evidences That the Saints Love and Serve God—How to Build up Zion—Taking Care of Grain,” reported by Edward L. Sloan, Journal of Discourses, vol. 12 (Liverpool: Albert Carrington, 1869), p. 218.]

Brigham Young, President of the Church, 17 May 1868

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