Administration to the Sick by President Kimball

Administration to the Sick by President Kimball
Spencer W. Kimball, 12th President of the Church

Administration to the Sick

“It must be remembered that no physician can heal. He can only provide a satisfactory environment and situation so that the body may use its own God-given power of re-creation to build itself…Man is the offspring of God and has within him the re-creating power that is God-given. And through the priesthood and through prayer, the body’s healing processes can be speeded and encouraged. Again, how grateful we are for the skill and patience and understanding of our great men who are trained to give us such marvelous service. “There are many who run to the doctor first and then go later to the elders when all other hope is gone. …While the profession has worked hard to gain the accumulated knowledge of today, it must be remembered that He who created our bodies has known since the beginning how to remodel, re-create, and repair them.  [President Kimball Speaks Out on Administration to the Sick,”  New Era, vol. 11, no. 9] Oct. 1981

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